Randolph Township Schools have been awarded a $30,000 grant from the Bosch Corporation to support sustainability and wellness opportunities for the district’s students. The generous donation will directly contribute to impacting and changing the lives of students by providing them with access to take part in cutting-edge, hands-on learning opportunities in the fields of agriculture, botany, life science, and entrepreneurship. Randolph has previously received grant funding from the corporation which resulted in the support of sustainability projects that afforded the students of the township’s six schools and transition program the opportunity to learn about the agricultural sciences of aquaponics, hydroponics, and aeroponics.
Along with the support that the donation will provide to creating and maintaining sustainable education programs, Randolph Township schools have also worked towards engaging students in the field of agricultural science through programs such as The Garden Camp, a program that allows students to learn about the importance of water quality and plant nutrition. The Randolph Township School District plans to further develop a culture that is focused on providing students with “hands-on” learning opportunities that foster engaged instruction in STEM. The generous donation and partnership with the Bosch Corporation will allow for the school district to make way for innovative approaches to sustainable and agricultural education. For more information visit www.rtnj.org.