CCM President awarded Inaugural Educator of the Year award and selected as member of Aspen New Presidents Fellowship

On Thursday, February 6th, the Morris County non-profit organization, Child and Family Resources of Morris (CFR), honored Dr. Anthony Iacono, President of the County College of Morris (CCM), as a recipient of the CFR 2020 Inaugural S.H.I.N.E. Educators Award. The S.H.I.N.E. Award is a prestigious award designed to honor individuals who have made exceptional contributions to support the development of students within Morris County.

Among two other recipients, Dr. Iacono has been selected for his work in developing CCM’s reach within the county. Creating and spearheading projects that will focus on aiding every individual seeking higher education achieve their goals.

In addition to this recognition, Dr. Iacono was also selected by the Aspen Institute to join the 2020-21 inaugural class of the Aspen New Presidents Fellowship.  The Aspen New Presidents Fellowship is a new initiative designed to support community college presidents in the early years of their tenure to accelerate change on behalf of students. Members of the fellowship are selected based on their commitment to student success, their ability to improve outcomes, and their dedication to creating change and improving educational opportunities.

Dr. Iacono was inducted as the third County College of Morris president in 2016 and has since pushed a vision of educational attainment for all. Under his leadership, CCM has continued to develop its academic facilities and programs to aid individuals seeking higher education obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to entering today’s competitive workforce.  For more information about the County College of Morris visit or call 973-328-5000.