FDU Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Friday Forum Webinars

The Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Fairleigh Dickenson University (FDU) is continuing to host its series of weekly Friday Forums to educate and assist entrepreneurs in developing the skills needed to effectively run their businesses. Topics covered in the Friday Forums include business planning, operations management, and fiscal practices. To register for these forums and to learn more about the services provided by the Rothman Institute, visit www.fdu.edu/academics/centers-institutes/rothman.

Friday, November 19, 2021 – Compliance and Pandemic Policy 

Speaker: Joseph Maddaloni, Partner, Schenck, Price, Smith & King

Friday, December 3, 2021 – Operating Agreements and Government Agreements 

Speaker: Michael Marotte, Partner, Schenck, Price, Smith & King

Friday, December 10, 2021 – What Business Owners Need to Know 

Stacy Palmer, Tax Principal, and Jason Warde, TaX Manager, Untracht Early