Local Business Promotion Resource by the Randolph Economic Development Committee


The Randolph Township Economic Development Committee (EDC) is dedicated to assisting in the development of programs for revitalizing existing businesses and promoting the services they offer. 

To showcase the local businesses at the heart of the community, the Randolph Township EDC offers no-cost promotion opportunities to these businesses to communicate their presence, vision, services, and products to residents on community platforms such as www.randolphlocal.com, and the EDC’s social media channels.

Interested businesses can submit a Business Spotlight Questionnaire to edc@randolphnj.org. These questionnaires are developed into articles to be featured on the homepage of www.randolphlocal.com and stored on the website’s news archive page. To date, the EDC has featured over 130 businesses as a spotlight articles. 

For more information about the Randolph Township EDC, visit www.randolphnj.org, or follow the committee’s Facebook page @rtnjedc. To download a Business Spotlight Questionnaire, visit, www.randolphlocal.com, or click here